Where music meets community.

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Greetings! We are Flume, a student-led music ensemble at Riverdale Country School. From our humble beginnings as a group of three members in 2018, our group has since tripled in size and now consists of a lively crew of orchestral instruments players.

What unites us, you may ask. As diverse as we are, we are united in our interest in giving back to our communities through song and sound, and we have strived to make this our group’s purpose since our early days.

After the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we at Flume have been actively making music and organizing concerts that bring both joy and positive change to our communities. We’ve sought out the collaboration of not only RCS faculty members and administration, but also local organizations in the Bronx. So far, we have collaborated with Riverdale Senior Services (RSS), Part of the Solution Bronx (POTS), The New York School for the Deaf (NYSD), and Give India for a variety of benefit concerts, fundraisers, and more.

If you’re interested in learning more about our group, please check out the main navigation tab on this website or click here to see Who We Are and What We Do.

Want to keep up with Flume’s latest projects? Let’s stay in touch.

Disclaimer: Flume reserves all rights to the scores and musical arrangements used by Flume as they remain under Flume’s exclusive rights. Flume musical scores and arrangements cannot be used, reproduced, or distributed without permission. Plagiarism of any kind is strictly forbidden.